This article will help you to measure the available space for your graphics. There are several things to keep in mind when you measure.
1. Measure the total area you wish to cover, not the total space available. For example, if you're ordering a window graphic for a 30"w x 72"h window, but you only want the graphic to be 24"h, give us the smaller dimension rather than the total window size.
2. Error on the small side. If you have a 30"w window, don't use the full 30". Your graphic will look much better if it's slightly smaller than your window, rather than being too big. In this example, we would suggest ordering a 27" - 28"w graphic to keep it from looking too crowded.
3. Look for obstructions. Is there a door handle in the way? Maybe an existing decal? If you have something in the way of your graphic, you can't consider that area to be "available space." Take obstructions into account when ordering your graphic as we will not know where the obstructions will be on your specific window, vehicle, etc.

Here we have highlighted the areas representing the "available space." These are the open areas on this vehicle that the customer wanted their graphics to go in. Notice on the right door that the available space is much smaller to account for the license plate area. Also notice on the left door that the available area is also limited by the existing badges from Chevrolet. Also notice the graphics don't go completely from edge-toedge of the available space to avoid a crowded look to the graphics.